Ohio WIOA Assistance
If you are at least 18 years old, an Ohio resident, enrolled in an in-demand program, and will join the workforce upon completion we may be able to assist.
WIOA is a federally funded grant that helps individuals with training and associated cost for careers in in-demand occupations.
Areas of study that are in-demand and offered at The Career Center-Adult Technical Training include...
If you are currently enrolled in one of these programs, it's not too late to apply for next session's funding! For additional information please contact your local OhioMeansJobs Center:
Washington County
311 Third St.
Marietta, OH 45750
740 434-0758
Monroe County
100 Home Ave.
Woodsfield, OH 43793
740 472-1602
Noble County
46049 Marietta Road
Caldwell, OH 43724
740 732-2392
Morgan County
155 East Main Street
McConnelsville, OH
740 962-2519
Please Note:
If you are collecting unemployment you may be eligible regardless Of income. If you are an Ohio resident or a resident Of another state but lost your job from an Ohio company you may be eligible. Otherwise: Program eligibility requirements include income eligibility as follows:
Washington Countv: below 200% of the Metro LLSIL. (family of 1 under $28,511, family of 2 under $46,735, family Of 3 under $64,146 and family 4 under $79,190).
Monroe/Noble/Morgan County: below 200% of the Non-Metro LLSIL. (family of 1 under $27,338, family of 2 under $44, 762, family of 3 under $61,458 and family 4 under $75,865).