Adult Technical Training
Transfer to Degree Pathways

We know that education is a life-long learning process and offer several pathways for you to choose from to earn your college degree. Choose from a variety of options that include:
Articulation Agreements:
We have partnered with colleges and universities in Ohio and West Virginia to provide students with more educational opportunities. Many Career Center programs can be transformed into a degree.
​Participating programs include:
Participating schools include:
OTC Degree Pathways

The OTC Degree Pathways was established by House Bill 59 and allows graduates from Ohio Technical Center who complete approved programs of 600 or greater hours to earn a block of technical credit toward and Associate of Technical Studies.
How does it work?
Step 1.
Successfully complete one of the following training programs and earn the associated industry-recognized credential:
Step 2.
Attend an Ohio Community College for one year and complete 30 semester hours.
Step 3.
Receive your Associates of Technical Studies Degree. Find out more.
Ohio Transfer to Degree Program:

The Ohio Transfer to Degree program enables students to streamline credit transfer among the state's public institutions of higher education and from adult/secondary career-technical institutions to find the best pathways to degree completion and launch successful careers.
Students who successfully complete specified technical programs are eligible to have technical credit transfer to public colleges and universities in Ohio. Find out more.
Participating programs include: