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Peoples Bank Donation Furthers Careers in Healthcare

Peoples Bank recntly donated $10,000 to the Washington County Career Center. The donation will be used for the purchase of a SynDaver Surgical Model. The SynDaver is the moste elaborate and sophisticated full-body simulator. It is a 3D jigsaw puzzle of all the muscles, bones and vascular compenents including organs that are removable and replaceable. It can be used in a wide variety of procedures, including laparoscopic surgery, coronary stent placement, chest tube placement, bowel resection, appendectomy, and much more.

The SynDaver will not only provdie the highest technology in training for the Surgical Technology program students, but will be an assett for both high school and adult medical programs. It will provide students with the hands-on training needed to prepare them for the workforce.

Pictured: Kirk Frazee, Peoples Bank Assistant VP Public Funds & Treasury Management, Ashley Cade, WCCC Medical College Prep student, Emily Hoffman and Nikki Marshall, WCCC Patient Healthcare students and Erica Chidester, Medical Programs Manager, The Career Center - Adult Technical Training.



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