The Washington County Career Center honors its February Students of the Month, Cynthia “CJ” and Zane.
CJ is a Fort Frye senior enrolled in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of Matthew and Doris of Hackney.
At the Career Center, CJ is a member of the SkillsUSA youth organization as well as Student Council and the National Technical Honor Society. In addition, she holds the office of class secretary. She has received awards for Principal’s List, Honor Roll, Merit Roll, and is an Energy Bus Driver member for meeting all three criteria for 3.0 GPA or higher, 95% attendance or higher, and no office referrals. In her technical program, CJ has earned both high school and college dual credits for Introduction to Nutrition, Management of Athletic Injuries, Medical Terminology I & II, and Resistive Training. In academics, she has earned dual credits for American History, American National Government, English Composition, College Algebra, and Statistics. She is certified in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), First Aid, and Automated External Defibrillator (AED). In March, she will sit for the Physical Therapist Assistant Certification (PTAC) exam. At Fort Frye High School, CJ is active in FFA. She is a member of 4H and has held the offices of president, vice president, secretary, and news reporter. CJ is very active in the Ohio High School Rodeo Association and is a National qualifier for Top Roper – Ohio – Jr. High. She attends St. Luke’s Episcopal Church and is a community volunteer. Sports Medicine & Exercise Science instructor, Lauren Copen, commented on special traits and roles that CJ carries such as respectful, organized, meticulous, on-task, and a great role model to her peers.
Upon graduation, CJ plans to attend either the University of Findlay or Erskine University to obtain a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.
Zane is a Fort Frye senior enrolled in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and he is the son of Larry and Christal of Beverly.
At the Career Center, Zane is a member of the SkillsUSA youth organization. He has received awards for Principal’s List, Honor Roll, and is an Energy Bus Driver member for meeting all three criteria for 3.0 GPA or higher, 95% attendance or higher, and no office referrals. In his technical program, Zane has earned both high school and college dual credits for Introduction to Nutrition, Management of Athletic Injuries, Medical Terminology I & II, and Resistive Training. In academics, he has earned dual credits for American History, American National Government, and College Algebra. He is certified in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), First Aid, and Automated External Defibrillator (AED). In March, he will sit for the Physical Therapist Assistant Certification (PTAC) exam. At Fort Frye High School, Zane lettered in baseball and basketball all four years and in football the past two. He volunteers as a coach for both the Fort Frye youth basketball and football camps. He was also a member of FFA for three years. Sports Medicine & Exercise Science instructor, Lauren Copen, commented on special traits and roles that Zane carries such as positive attitude, motivational, and a leader.
Zane plans to enroll in the Physical Therapy Assistant program at Washington State Community College.
Photos: Cynthia, Zane