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Career Center Names Students of the Month

The Washington County Career Center honors its September Students of the Month, Sadie and Samuel.

Sadie is a Fort Frye senior enrolled in the Pre-Nursing program, and she is the daughter of Rick (Tyra) of Wooster and Becky (Brad) of Waterford.

At the Career Center, Sadie is a member of the SkillsUSA youth organization, National Technical Honor Society and she is the president of the Pre-Nursing program. She has received awards for the Career Center’s Principal List and Honor Roll. In her technical program, she has earned industry-recognized credentials and certifications for Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), First Aid, and the Ohio Department of Health – State Tested Nurse Assistant (STNA). She is taking course offerings and learning skills for Health Science & Technology, Medical Terminology, Patient Centered Care, Patient Centered Care & Diagnostics, and Principles of Allied Health Medicine.

At Fort Frye High School, Sadie was a member of the GLEE Club. Pre-Nursing instructor, Amy Pinkerton, commented, “It is a pleasure to have had Sadie in both the Patient Health Care and now Pre-Nursing program. She stands out as a strong leader among her peers and always has a positive attitude, helping to motivate fellow classmates and providing words of encouragement. In addition, Sadie puts forth maximum effort in her studies and always makes teaching enjoyable.”

Sadie is currently employed at Jukebox Pizza in Waterford. Upon graduation, she plans to enlist in the United States Navy and further her schooling through them to become a medic.

Samuel is a Fort Frye senior enrolled in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Michael and Kelly of Lower Salem.

At the Career Center, Sam is a member of the Business Professionals of America (BPA) youth organization (treasurer 2021-22), National Technical Honor Society and Student Council (president 2021-22). Last school year, he also held the office of class president in his technical program. As a Student Ambassador, he is responsible for acting as a liaison between the Career Center and Fort Frye High School. In addition, he is gaining leadership skills by promoting the Career Center during its recruitment process as well as giving tours and guidance at scheduled events and with incoming visitors. Through BPA, he competed last school year at the state level for Digital Media Production. Sam has received awards for the Career Center’s Principal List and Honor Roll. In his technical program, he has earned or is working on earning industry-recognized credentials, certifications, and college credit through the Adobe Creative Cloud software for Digital Photography, Digital Storytelling, Digital Video Effects, Graphic Design, Illustrator, InDesign, Live Streaming and Production, PhotoShop, Premier Pro, and Video Production. Through College Credit Plus (CCP) with Washington State Community College, he has or will earn both high school and college credit for the following academic courses: American History to 1865, American National Government, English Composition, Introduction to Cyber Security, Operating Systems and Composition Fundamentals, and Statistics. Sam is taking course offerings and learning skills for Creating & Editing Digital Graphics, Design Techniques, Information Technology, Multimedia & Image Management Techniques, and Video & Sound.

Sam is working on becoming a volunteer for the Salem Township Volunteer Fire Department. He was a member for five years for the Boys Scouts of America – Troop 225. At Fort Frye High School, he was a member of band, track, and yearbook. Graphic Design & Video Production instructor, Chris Palmer, commented, “Sam is a wonderful student who always puts others before himself. He is always helping others and never shies away from taking on challenging assignments. I recommended Sam for this honor based on his leadership, resilience, and overall character.”

Sam is employed at the Walmart in Marietta. He plans to attend either Akron University or Ohio University to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology.

Photos: Sadie, Samuel



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