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Career Center Names Students of the Month

The Washington County Career Center honors its January Students of the Month, Emily and Anthony.

Emily is a Marietta senior enrolled in the Cosmetology program, and she is the daughter of David and Sarah of Marietta.

At the Career Center, Emily is a member of the SkillsUSA youth organization, National Technical Honor Society, Student Leader program, and holds the office of president for her technical program. She has received awards for the Principal List and Honor Roll. At Marietta High School, she participated in track and field and was in the Marquettes her sophomore and junior years. She is a history buff and likes to study unsolved crimes. Through CCP, she has or will earn both high school and college credit for the following academic courses: American National Government, Careers, College Algebra, and English Composition.

In the Cosmetology program, Emily is receiving a technical focus and learning skills for Fundamentals of Hair Cutting & Styling, Hand & Foot Fundamentals & Enhancements, Microbiology & Infection Control, and Skin Care Fundamentals & Enhancements. In May or June, she will travel to Columbus to sit for the State of Ohio Licensure exam to obtain her cosmetology license. School Counselor, Cindy Schwendeman, commented, “Emily possesses confidence and leadership abilities. She is always helpful and considerate of fellow students and staff. She will do anything to help make the Career Center a better place for students.”

Emily is currently employed at the Subway in Devola. Upon graduation, she plans to attend the University of Hawaii to obtain a degree in Fashion Design.

Anthony is a Marietta senior enrolled in the Landscape Construction & Turf Management program, and he is the son of Keith Morey of Marietta and the grandson of Kelly Morey of Marietta.

Anthony is a member of the Career Center’s FFA youth organization and holds the office of Chapter Vice President. He also is the secretary for his technical program and is in the Student Leader program. He has received awards for being on the Honor Roll. In his technical program, he has earned an industry-recognized credential for Occupational Safety and Health Administration 10-Hour Training and is currently working on the Ohio Certified Nursery Technician credential.

In Landscape Construction & Turf Management, Anthony is receiving a technical focus and learning skills for Landscape Design, Landscape Hardscapes, Landscape Systems Management, Plant & Horticultural Science, and Turf Science & Management. Technical instructor, Jason Lipot, nominated Anthony for this honor and had the following to say, “Anthony is a classic example of how the Career Center can change a person in a positive way. In the past year, he has dramatically improved as a student and takes responsibility in his work. He is the sole reason the campus grounds looked awesome this past summer. As a summer worker at the Career Center, he did his job and communicated far above my expectations.”

Anthony plans to enter directly into the workforce utilizing the skills he’s learned at the Career Center.

Photos: Emily, Anthony



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