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Career Center Inducts Honor Society

The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) of the Career Center recently held induction of new members for students selected for membership. Ninety young men and women and their guests were invited to the reception.

The NTHS, formed in 1984, recognizes outstanding career and technical students for achievement in seven competency areas, including skill, honesty, service, responsibility, scholarship, citizenship, and leadership. Locally, the Washington County Career Center has honored students for 30 years. This year, 56 new initiates were inducted at a ceremony on May 4 at the Career Center.

  • Jaiden is a Warren junior in the Digital Marketing program, and he is the son of Steven and Bethany;

  • Steven is a Warren junior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of Paul and Petina;

  • Dylan is a Marietta junior in the Digital Marketing program, and he is the son of Craig and Melissa;

  • Victoria is a Fort Frye junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and she is the daughter of Jeremey;

  • Luke is a Marietta junior in the Landscape Construction & Turf Management program, and he is the son of Steve and Kim;

  • Chyanna is a Fort Frye senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Jessie and Tiffiny;

  • Mariah is a Marietta junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and she is the daughter of Tony and Carrie;

  • Toby is a Frontier junior in the Building Technology/Carpentry program, and he is the son of Stephen and Tabatha;

  • Alexia is a Frontier junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Tony and Katina;

  • Ashley is a Warren senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Jason and Kimberly;

  • Elliot is a Belpre junior in the Digital Marketing program, and he is the son of Alisha;

  • Bryce is a Frontier junior in the Building Technology/Carpentry program, and he is the son of Eric and Elisha;

  • Bethany is a Marietta junior in the Digital Marketing program, and she is the daughter of Steve and Jackie;

  • Coen is a Marietta junior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and he is the son of Tom and Traci;

  • Gabriel is a Marietta junior in the Digital Marketing program, and he is the son of Mark and Dianne;

  • Carson is a Warren junior in the Heavy Equipment program, and he is the son of Jason and Kim;

  • Natalie is a Fort Frye junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Richard and Angela;

  • Sarah is a Belpre junior in the Patient Health Care program, and she is the daughter of Jeremy and Kelly;

  • Webb is a Marietta junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Chris and Stacey;

  • Caleb is a Marietta junior in the Masonry program, and he is the son of Brian and Sarah;

  • Marguerite is a Warren junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Ronnie and Dawn;

  • Andrew is a Marietta senior in the Masonry program, and he is the son of Troy and Tricia;

  • Cody is a Belpre junior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of Jonathan and Jodie;

  • Brody is a Belpre junior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and he is the son of George and Alison;

  • Sophie is a Fort Frye junior in the Digital Marketing program, and she is the daughter of Randal and Barbara;

  • Wyatt is a Warren junior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of Alan and Shawnna;

  • Emma is a Marietta junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Kenneth and Molly;

  • Haylee is a Warren junior in the Digital Marketing program, and she is the daughter of Gerald and Christopher and Mandy;

  • Kasey is a Fort Frye junior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of Betty;

  • Haddon is a Marietta junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Todd and Amanda;

  • MaKenna is a Warren junior in the Pre-Nursing program, and she is the daughter of Josh and Krista;

  • Samantha is a Belpre senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Steven and Tricia;

  • Zoe is a Fort Frye junior in the Pre-Nursing program, and she is the daughter of Justin and Jerrica;

  • Brayden is a Marietta junior in the Welding program, and he is the son of Todd and Erin;

  • Mya is a Warren junior in the Digital Marketing program, and she is the daughter of Bill and Stacy;

  • Aiden is a Marietta junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production, and he is the son of Douglas and Lori;

  • Gwen is a Frontier junior in the Pre-Nursing program, and she is the daughter of Wayne and Elizabeth;

  • Hannah is a Fort Frye senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Mark and Sarah;

  • Hunter is a Warren junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Colin and Andrea;

  • Darren is a Marietta junior in the Heavy Equipment program, and he is the son of James and Jacqueline;

  • Layne is a Warren junior in the Welding program, and he is the son of Allan and Lori;

  • Sierra is a Frontier junior in the Landscape Construction & Turf Management program, and she is the daughter of Matthew and Angy;

  • Breanna is a Warren junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production, and she is the daughter of John and Sadie;

  • Alexzander is a Warren junior in the Heavy Equipment program, and he is the son of D.J. and Jodi and Larry and Tiffany;

  • Ross is a Fort Frye junior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of Rick and Nancy;

  • Ashlee is a Warren junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Amanda;

  • Sophia is a Wood County Christian junior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of Steve and Jeanette;

  • Jaelyn is a Frontier junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Dustin and Ashley;

  • Haley is a Marietta junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and she is the daughter of Harvey and Robin;

  • Natalie is a Warren junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Joel and Virginia;

  • Cole is a Fort Frye junior in the Building Technology/Carpentry program, and he is the son of Dennis and Beth;

  • Kirsten is a Warren junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Jason and Nichole;

  • Skye is a Belpre junior in the Landscape Construction & Turf Management program, and she is the daughter of Mick and Marsha;

  • Wyatt is a Warren senior in the Welding program, and he is the son of Jerry and Erica;

  • Evan is a Belpre junior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Brad and Melissa;

  • Jessica is a Warren junior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Scott and Kim.

Returning members are:

  • Emma is a Waterford senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of Andrew and Wendy;

  • Emma is a Marietta senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of David and Beth;

  • Taylor is a Warren senior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Ben and Mindy;

  • Gavin is a Waterford senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and he is the son of Kevin and Stephanie;

  • Braxton is a Fort Frye senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and he is the son of Derek and Ashlee;

  • Owen is a Fort Frye senior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of Eric and Nicole;

  • Lyndsay is a Marietta senior in the Digital Marketing program, and she is the daughter of Matthew and Stacie;

  • Chesnie is a Waterford senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of James and Jayne;

  • Samuel is a Fort Frye senior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Michael and Kelly;

  • Emma is a Waterford senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of Dustin and Ashley;

  • Nicolas is a Belpre senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and he is the son of Michelle;

  • James is a Marietta senior in the Building Technology/Carpentry program, and he is the son of James and Sara;

  • Linsey is a Warren senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Jared and Denise;

  • Emily is a Waterford senior in the Patient Health Care program, and she is the daughter of Tim and Cheryl;

  • Katie is a Waterford senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of Vikki;

  • Caleb is a Fort Frye senior in the Building Technology/Carpentry program, and he is the son of Japh and Stacy;

  • Kolten is a Waterford senior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of James and Bria;

  • Eric is a Warren senior in the Masonry program, and he is the son of Spencer and Alicia;

  • Andrew is a Belpre senior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Daniel and Kelly;

  • Meghan is a Warren senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the daughter of John and Victoria;

  • Hannah is a Warren senior in the Cosmetology program, and she is the daughter of Shawn and Melissa;

  • Austin is a Fort Frye senior in the Electricity program, and he is the son of Joshua and Jessica;

  • Raegan is a Waterford senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the granddaughter of Douglas and Marie;

  • Chase is a Frontier senior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and he is the son of Rodney and Toni;

  • Lyanna is a Marietta senior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and she is the daughter of Bradford and LeeAndra;

  • Carrissa is a Belpre senior in the Graphic Design & Video Production program, and she is the daughter of Christopher and Stephanie;

  • MacKenzie is a Belpre senior in the Cosmetology program, and she is the daughter of Eric and Jenny;

  • Evan is a Belpre senior in the Medical College Prep program, and he is the son of Spencer and Sherry and the grandson of Emily;

  • Kody is a Belpre senior in the Masonry program, and he is the son of Bryan and Michelle;

  • Sadie is a Fort Frye senior in the Pre-Nursing program, and she is the daughter of Rick and Rebecca;

  • Noah is a Frontier senior in the Masonry program, and he is the son of Rhea;

  • Amelia is a Belpre senior in the Sports Medicine & Exercise Science program, and she is the daughter of Mike and Wendi;

  • Hadassah is a Marietta senior in the Digital Marketing program, and she is the daughter of Michael and Amy; and

  • Jaylynn is a Belpre senior in the Medical College Prep program, and she is the granddaughter of Jim and Diane.

Career Center students are selected for membership based upon scholarship (3.8 Career Center GPA), teacher recommendations, and exemplifying the seven ideals of Skill, Honesty, Service, Responsibility, Scholarship, Citizenship and Leadership. Many Washington County Career Center students over the years have been members of both the Career Center Honor Society and their respective partner school honor society.

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