The Washington County Career Center held its 11th Annual Fall Festivus Day on Friday, October 29. This year, Fall Festivus was held with all 15 career-technical programs participating in several fun activities. Kicking off the event, students and staff participated in a Halloween Costume Contest sponsored by Student Council. Other activities and contests held were a bench press, cheese ball hair, corn hole, disc golf, hoola hoop, marshmallow dodgeball, planks, team skis, tire flip, trash can knockout, vertical jump, and wall squats. In the outdoor classroom, a campfire was going to make smores and Jiffy Pop popcorn as well as hot cocoa and cookies were served.
The Career Center’s Director, Mike Elliott, commented, “It was a great day to hold this event.We had many fun and exciting activities that both the student body and staff enjoyed.Each year this event gets better and we hope to improve it even more for the next school year.”

Halloween Costume Contest Winners: Most Original: Katie Johnson as an “Elf”; Scariest: Alexander Ball as the “Grim Reaper”; Funniest: Dylan Pickens as a “Nerd”; Best Do-It-Yourself: Lily Bowe, Ava Kocher, Alivia Mercer, Andrew Middleton, Shawn Owens, Malcolm Sargent and Jace Wolfe as the “Scooby Doo Gang”; and Staff favorite: Mr. Jerry Bradford as "Fat Thor".