The FFA organization of the Washington County Career Center elected 2019-20 chapter officers recently. Members participating in the FFA organization are students from the Landscape Construction & Turf Management program. The organization expands opportunities for classroom instruction to be applied to hands-on opportunities, and to further reinforce curriculum-enhancing programs within the community.
Chapter officers include:
President, Jacob is a senior from Marietta. He is the son of Michael of Reno and Royetta of Newport
Vice President, Lydia, is a senior from Belpre. She is the daughter of Charles and Lisa of Belpre
Secretary, Stephen, Jr., is a junior from Fort Frye. He is the son of Stephen, Sr. and Barb of Lower Salem
Treasurer, Gavin, is a junior from Fort Frye. He is the son of Steve and Autumn of Lowell
Reporter, Keevon, is a junior from Marietta. He is the son of Heather of Marietta
Sentinel, Andrew “Jerrod” is a senior from Fort Frye; and
Student Advisor, Zachariah, is a senior from Fort Frye.
Founded in 1928, the Future Farmers of America brought together students, teachers and agribusiness to solidify support for agricultural education. There are currently over 7,800 FFA Chapters in existence in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The FFA organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

PHOTO: Career Center FFA Chapter Officers 2019-2020
(Front Row L-R): Steve, Lydia, and Keevon
(Back Row L-R): Gavin, Jacob, Zach, and Jerrod