Landscape Construction & Turf Management
Technical Focus
Landscape Design
Landscape Hardscapes
Landscape Systems Management
Plant & Horticultural Science
Turf Science & Management

Career Opportunities

Entry-Level Careers (with program completion)
Greenhouse Employee
Grounds Maintenance
Nursery Grower
Technical Careers (Apprenticeship, Associate’s Degree, Advanced Certification, Experience, etc.)
Golf Course/Sports Complex Maintenance
Golf Course Superintendent
Irrigation Technician
Landscape Foreman
Lawn Technician
Professional Careers (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D., Specialized Training, Experience, etc.)
Construction Manager
Landscape Architects
Landscape Designer
Project Manager
Urban Forester (City, State or National Park)
Industry Credentials
National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)
NCCER Level 1
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
10-Hour Training
Ohio Certified Nursery Technician (OCNT)

Meet The Instructor