Adult Technical Training - Employer Services

AgriBusiness Planning & Analysis
The Agribusiness Planning and Analysis (APA) program provides business education and support for Agribusiness professionals in the area. The APA coordinator works primarily one on one with farmers to meet their businesses' specific and unique needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced farmer the program is designed to assist you with the business know-how to meet your goals.
The APA program has been a part of area agriculture since 1972. The program has served hundreds of operations that contributed millions of dollars to the area's economy.
We help you take the data from the field to the office and create valuable business reports.
Areas of focus include:
Efficient Records
Profit/Loss Reports
Balance Sheets
Direct Customer Marketing
Cost of Production Analysis
Credit Management
Tax Estimates
Estate Planning
Our goal is to empower you with the tools to achieve your business goals. Understanding where you currently are helps you create a plan to get to where you want to be.
Can you find the information you need, when you need it?
How much does a product cost to produce?
Are you reaching your customers? (direct consumer sales)
How do these skills improve your agriculture operation:
Detailed information for quality business decisions
Improved information for government programs & insurance policies
Supporting reports for loans and financial support
Information and preparation for taxes
AgriBusiness growth and outreach
All information is kept strictly confidential. Much of the training is one-on-one so your specific business questions can be answered. Contact The Career Center for current tuition. The APA program is part of Adult Technical Training at The Career Center.
Annual Analysis
Agriculture tends to be an isolated profession, knowing how you stack up to your neighbors is not always possible. However, when completing an annual analysis our participants take a detailed look at their annual business transactions, where their money went, and on what enterprises. Allowing the opportunity for realistic future estimates and decisions.
AgriBusiness Planning & Analysis Member Banquet
APA holds an annual in-person educational event partnered with OSU Extension. Various presenters discuss the latest information on agriculture topics. In addition, vendors and agencies are set up to discuss programs and products that may be beneficial to farmers in the valley. AG Night is held annually in February, information can be found on our Facebook page or by calling the APA Coordinator.
AG Night
APA holds an annual in-person educational event partnered with OSU Extension. Various presenters discuss the latest information on agriculture topics. In addition, vendors and agencies are set up to discuss programs and products that may be beneficial to farmers in the valley. AG Night is held annually in February, information can be found on our Facebook page or by calling the APA Coordinator.