Adult Technical Training
Financial Aid

The Washington County Career Center is committed to providing a variety of financial aid options. We have a full-time financial aid advisor on-site to meet with you, review your options and assist with any questions that you have.
Click here for a full list of financial aid opportunities available to our students.
Federal Pell Grant
A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid.
Click here for instructions on applying for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Payment Plans
For students who do not qualify for financial aid or their assistance does not fully cover their educational expenses, Adult Technical Training offers an interest free payment plan.
All classes are arranged to be paid on a quarterly basis; meaning money is collected quarterly. For example, with a full-time program, the entire balance is not due in the first quarter; it is divided throughout the year by the beginning of each quarter.
Payments being made can be made with cash, check, any major credit card or online through the student portal.
Contact The Career Center – Adult Technical Training Financial Aid office at 740-373-6283 for further information.
Employer Payment Plans
If your employer will be paying all or part of your training costs, all authorization forms must be submitted, and approved before the start of the program. The authorization forms can be obtained in the Adult Technical Training Office during regular office hours.
Funding Agencies and Other Sources to Consider
WIOA is a federally funded grant. The goal is to assist youth (18-24 years), adults and dislocated workers in becoming self-sufficient through various types of services such as training, retraining, employment and employer assistance. Prospective students should contact the Adult Technical Training Financial Aid Advisor, Wendy Ketelsen at (740) 373-2766 x 2014 to determine your local WIOA office. Learn more about WIOA (Ohio) here. Learn more about WorkForce WV here. (Click on Job Seekers)
Scholarship Information
A scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further his or her education. Scholarships are awarded based upon various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award. Scholarship money is not required to be repaid. Scholarship sources to consider.
Other Funding Sources
You may want to do some private research on other options that may be available to you. Feel free to explore your options online for other sources of private financial aid or be sure to check with your banking facilities, who may also offer you financial options.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Funds
The TAA program is a federal program established under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. The TAA Program provides aid to workers who lose their jobs or whose hours of work and wages are reduced as a result of increased imports. TAA offers a variety of benefits and reemployment services to assist unemployed workers to prepare for and obtain suitable employment.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
Empowers Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determination, and independence. Financial assistance through OOD is for students with documented disabilities or handicaps. The students' assigned case managers will assess OOD’s referral process and determine eligibility. Call 1-800-248-4378 for the nearest OOD office in your area.
WV Division of Rehabilitation Services
Helps people with disabilities establish and reach their vocational goals. Call 1-304-420-4580 for the nearest office in your area.​
Veterans Assistance Programs (VA)
The Veterans Administration administers several education and training programs for veterans, service persons, and eligible dependents. A Certificate of Eligibility is required prior to the start of training. This can be obtained online at For dditional assistance call the toll free number at 1-888-GI-BILL-1(1-888-442-4551) to speak with a Veterans Benefits Counselor.
2018-2023 High School Graduates Scholarships
If you are a recent high school graduate, click here for The Career Center Scholarship
Local Funding Agencies
Athens County……………..740-797-1405 Guernsey County…………740-432-2381 Monroe County…………….740-472-1602 Morgan County…………….740-962-2519 Noble County………………..740-732-2392 Washington County……..740-434-0758 Wood County………………..681-588-0064

Have some questions? We're here to help!