The Washington County Career Center Aspire Program offers free adult education classes to all who are eligible! Aspire is a grant-funded program for adults who need to sharpen their skills in preparation for the high school equivalence test. The Washington County Career Center Aspire Program helps students achieve many educational goals. Depending on their goals, students can attend class to prepare for the GED or HiSET high school equivalency tests. They can pursue a workforce credential while earning their high school diploma through the Adult Diploma program, or students can make up previous high school credits to obtain their high school diploma through the High School Credit Recovery program. Whichever pathway is selected, our instructors are ready to help students improve their academic skills and create a better future.
Students begin the Aspire Program by registering for the program and attending orientation. During registration and orientation, students complete paperwork, examine their learning styles, set goals, and take initial TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) assessments to determine academic strengths and weaknesses before starting class. Each student creates an individualized learning plan that best fits their goals.
Aspire classes provide instructions in reading, math, writing, language, science, and social studies. During classes, students develop technology, workforce, and career readiness skills. Our instructors help students improve their skills to prepare for the next step in achieving their goals. Students who earn their high school equivalence credential by passing the GED or HiSET exam, Adult Diploma Program, or Credit Recovery Program are invited to our annual Aspire Graduation Ceremony!
Aspire Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Ohio's GED / HiSET Voucher Program
Congratulations Ohio Residents on making the decision to take the High School Equivalency (HSE) exam!
The State of Ohio is helping offset the cost of the GED® / HiSET by providing vouchers to those that follow a few easy steps.
If you have not already done so, the first step is to log on to or, create an account, and agree to participate in the voucher program.
Based on your home address, the website will help you select your “Career-Tech Planning District” which is the institution where you will receive (1) information about career counseling and (2) your GED® /HiSET voucher.
To receive your information about career counseling services and your voucher from the Washington County Career Center, please do one of the following:
1) Email Ashli Diamond at
2) Call Washington County Career Center at 740-373-6283
3) Visit Washington County Career Center at 21740 SR 676, Marietta, OH 45750.
Ohio Means Jobs
O*Net Career Pathways online assessment

Ohio's Options Provide 3 ways to earn your diploma.
High School Equivalency (HSE)
The State of Ohio provides learners 18 years of age and older, the opportunity to gain the academic skills and credentials needed for post-secondary education and workforce development. Test takers who are 16 & 17 years of age may also apply with approved documentation. Best for those wanting to pursue a 4-year college degree. Program is at your own pace. Testing and registration are online at or
2. Adult Diploma Program (ADP)
The Adult Diploma Program provides job training and a new pathway for Ohio adults, ages 18 or older, to earn a high school diploma based on ACT WorkKeys scores issued by the Ohio Department of Education AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs. Offered here at the Career Center are the fields of:
Business Office Skills Specialist (B.O.S.S.) (176 Hours);
EMT-Basic ( 208 Hours)
Fiber Optic Technician (40-Hours)
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (HVAC/R) (720 Hours);
Medical Billing & Coding Specialist (720 Hours)
Medical Assistant (900 Hours)
Phlebotomy (172 Hours);
State Tested Nurse Assistant (STNA) (80 Hours);
Welding (720 Hours).
3. Adult High School Diploma Program
The 18+ Adult HSD Program (Credit Recovery) helps adults earn a high school diploma issued by their school district of residence. The program is free to adults who are over 18 years old, living in Ohio, and do not have a diploma or a GED. Students must meet all graduation requirements from the time of their entry into 9th grade. Students have a limit of 2 consecutive years to earn credits. This is best for those wanting to pursue any career field even those not in demand.
+ Additional time as needed for study and assessments, completing the area of “hands-on training”, and successfully passing your required testing may be required. Call to speak with a career coach or program coordinator to learn more about your options!
Explore the options available with this Quick Guide!
Attend one of our no-cost orientation sessions to learn more.
Call 1.800.648.3695 to schedule your orientation session. You will be asked to provide your name, date of birth, and contact number.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why would I take an Aspire class?
If you are 18 years or older and want to earn your High School Diploma as well as a workforce credential, Aspire classes are for you.
You are 18 years and lacking the required amount of high school credits.
If you are 16 years or older you can take Aspire classes to study for the GED® test.
All of these are reasons you would take Aspire classes!
Where and when will I take my Aspire classes?
There are Aspire classes in-person and online, both morning (10:00 am – 1:00 pm) and evening (5:30 pm – 8:30 pm) every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
How much does it cost to attend Aspire classes?
All Aspire classes are FREE!
How long will it take me to complete these Aspire classes?
Our classes are available to you for as long as you need. Some people need a little time, some need a little more time. Whatever the amount needed to make you successful. Remember: Regular attendance is extremely important and will help get you to your goal quickly.
Why do I need an orientation?
Orientation is the first step where will learn about the Aspire Program and Graduation Options and Pathways. You will complete some basic forms as well as take an assessment that lets you and your teachers know what your skill level is right now.
How do I schedule an in-person orientation?
Call the Aspire office, 740-373-6283 ext. 1000 to find a date and time that will work.
What do I bring to my orientation?
The only thing we would like you to bring is a Drivers Licenses/Photo ID, high school transcripts, if available, and a positive attitude.
Online Learning
I am interested in taking Aspire classes online from my home. How do I start?
Call the Aspire office to set up an Orientation and Assessment. You can start online classes as soon as those are complete!
I started taking online classes and think I may do better at reaching my goal if I attend in-person classes instead. Am I able to switch to in-person classes?
You absolutely can switch from online classes to in-person classes! Just call the office to find out your next steps.
Adult Diploma Program
What is the Adult Diploma Program?
Adult Diploma Program is for any adult 18 years of age or older who does not have a high school diploma.
If you are 18 years of age you must provide a copy of the official withdrawal form from the last school, you attended.​
The Adult Diploma Program provides job training and a new pathway to earn a high school diploma AND industry credential aligned to one of Ohio's in-demand careers.
What do I need to do to get my diploma and industry credential?
After orientation, you will study in an Aspire class to prepare for the WorkKeys test. Once you complete the WorkKeys test and obtain the scores needed you can enter your desired pathway.
What are the Career pathways?
Business Office Skills Specialist (B.O.S.S.) (176 Hours);
Fiber OpticTechnician (40 Hours)
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (HVAC/R) (720 Hours);
Medical Billing & Coding Specialist (720 Hours)
Medical Assistant (900 Hours)
Phlebotomy (172 Hours);
State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA) (80 Hours);
Welding (720 Hours).
What is the High School Credit Recovery program?
The Credit Recovery program helps adults earn a high school diploma issued by their school district of residence.
How much does the High School Credit Recovery program cost?
The program is free to adults who are over 18 years old, living in Ohio, and do not have a diploma or a GED.
What are the requirements for the program?
Students must meet all graduation requirements from the time of their entry into 9th grade. Students have a limit of 2 consecutive years to earn credits.
GED® Test
What subjects are on the GED® test?
There are 4 subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reasoning Through Language Arts.
Do I have to take all of the subjects at once, or can I take one subject at a time?
You may take the entire test in one day, or you can take one or two subjects at a time.
How do I schedule and pay for my GED® test? Do I just show up with my money and take the test?
Visit and create an account. When you are ready to schedule a test, you will schedule it from your account. You will also pay for your test online through your account.
Aspire students can be given a voucher to reduce the test cost to $80 instead of the $144.
How old do I have to be to take the GED® test?
You must be at least 16 years old to take the test. Testers who are 16-18 years old MUST be officially withdrawn from high school and provide the proper paperwork to the state HSE Office (prior to scheduling for a test).
What is the paperwork necessary for 16-18-year-olds to take the test?
If you are 16 or 17, you must provide a copy of the official withdrawal form from the last school you attended, and it must be signed by a school official. The school you last attended will provide this form. You must also provide a consent form completed by a parent or legal guardian, and it needs to be notarized.
If you are 18 years old, you will just need to provide the official withdrawal form from the last school you attended, and it must be signed by a school official. The school you last attended will provide this form.
I have a diagnosed disability and would like to apply for accommodations for testing.
Test accommodations are considered on a case-by-case basis and include things such as extra testing time or extra breaks. You can find the information you need to apply at
I took my GED® test and passed. Now I need a copy of my transcript. Where can I get that?
You may order your GED® transcript at
Do I have to take classes, or can I just take the GED® test?
It is not mandatory that you attend Aspire classes; however, attending classes could only benefit you! To schedule the GED® test visit to register for the test.