Adult Technical Training
Adult-Tech High School Scholarship

Need assistance with funding? Scholarships to attend Adult Technical Training programs are available for any 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024 high school graduates who achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA and 90% or above attendance during their Junior and Senior years. The scholarship is intended to assist students in paying for tuition costs to attend Adult Technical Training. Funds from high school scholarships are last dollar institutional awards and are to assist the student with any remaining balance after other funding awards are applied. Scholarship Guidelines Washington County Career Center Graduates 2020 - 2024 Career Center graduates who achieve a minimum 2.5 GPA during their Junior and Senior years and have 90% or above attendance are eligible for a scholarship to cover 30% of tuition cost in their program of choice, up to $2,000 maximum.
All Other High School Graduates All other 2020 - 2024 high school graduates who achieve a minimum 2.5 GPA and 90% or above attendance during their Junior and Senior years are eligible for a scholarship to cover 30% of tuition cost in their program of choice, up to $1,000 maximum. ​ Click here to access the High School Scholarship You may also contact your high school guidance counselor for more information or call the Adult Technical Training office at 1-800-648-3695.

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